Tights with pioneering and exclusive technology that propels thanks to its elastic energy. They improve sports performance by up to 3.6%. They provide security. They help prevent muscle and tendon injuries in the gastrocnemius, soleus and Achilles tendon.
The "stretch-contraction" cycle of the stockings helps the gastrocnemius, soleus and plantar fascia in their eccentric and concentric muscle functions.
Technology supported by the COE and tested by sports physiotherapists and Olympic athletes.
1. Up to 3.6% higher performance.
2. Longer stride length and faster running paces.
3. They help maintain the intensity of exercise for longer.
4. Less muscle fatigue and better post-exercise recovery.
5. They help prevent injuries and overloads during exercise.
6. They help restart physical activity after muscle and tendon injuries.
7. They improve blood flow.
8. They improve muscle support.
So that you can get all its benefits, it is very important that you wear them with the logo on the front and up to the knee!
PRENEL - Performance Boosting Tights with Elastic Energy - INDIGO BLUE PRENEL LOGO